Cool Treat for the Holidays!
Hey Ladies...check out this fabulous egg nog recipe! Now, I am not one to spend too much time in the kitchen, however I think even I can handle this recipe! I found it on It comes from a chef service called bigLITTLE Get Together, based in NYC.
For more yummy holiday drink ideas check out, and click on the bigLITTLE Get Together newsletter!
Let me know if you tried it and how you liked it!!
Eggnog Popsicles
What better way to enjoy your favorite holiday cocktail than in a frozen, handheld treat? These are wonderfully indulgent, and the best part is that they will keep in your freezer so you can make them way in advance. So rich and velvety, creamy, and yummy!
- ½ pound cream cheese
- 1 ½ teaspoons lemon juice
- 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 ½ teaspoons nutmeg
- 1 cup sugar
- pinch of kosher salt
- 2 tablespoons brandy
- 2 tablespoons bourbon
- 2 cups heavy cream whipped until just stiff
Photo and Recipe Courtesy of
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