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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

great strides  

Before I got pregnant I was one of those people who would go on a workout kick for a few months and then give up when I did not see results! When I found out I was pregnant with Ethan, I told myself, "you are going to get into the best shape of your life"! Now obviously this was difficult considering I was eating ice cream every night! However, I did pre-natal Pilates every day to counter act the mint chocolate chip! I felt so good during my pregnancy, and even though I gained more weight then I actually wanted to(no thanks to Breyers), I had toned my body and felt great! Now after I delivered is a different story! I had a c-section so I could not really start any form of exercise until 8 weeks post partum. At that point I started to do Pilates again, but the pounds were just not coming off!! So, I decided to give Stroller Strides a try. Stroller Strides is a company that focuses on workouts for mom, with the babies along for the ride! They meet in my neighborhood 2 times a week, what could be better?? This changed my life! Since starting Stroller Strides back in April I lost all of my baby weight and an additional 2 inches! Check out Stroller Strides in your area, I promise you will love it!

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1 comments: to “ great strides

  • Jessica
    October 1, 2009 at 12:21 PM  

    I was hoping you would write about stroller strides. I know that you were resistant at first but it has really been a true friend to you. You look AMAZING and have met so many other great mommies like yourself :-)

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