A cure for dry skin!
I don't know about you, but I have such dry skin right now! It's bad enough that my skin is a pasty shade of WHITE...but now it has succombed to winter's wrath and is extremely dry as well! I know as moms, we have very little time to pay attention to ourselves, so here is a quick fix for "winter skin"!
Each winter I try to find the best moisturizer for my skin, and each year I come up short.
Never actually happy with what I found.
This year, is different!
I saw an ad for Vaseline Sheer Infusion in one of my fashion mags this past week, and decided to give yet another moisturizer a try.
I was not disappointed! This stuff really works!
Vaseline Sheer Infusion comes in three different formulas:
Vitamin Burst
Mineral Renewal
Botanical Blend
Each formula adds a little something extra to the benefits of this fabulous lotion.
If you are suffering from "winter skin", I would suggest running out and grabbing some of this stuff!
February 19, 2010 at 6:47 AM
I just picked some up yesterday...thanks to your recommendation. I can get it discount at an auction near my house. Can't wait to try it. The girl behind the counter also SWEARS by it! :)