Friday, October 2, 2009
Staying on schedule
As a mom, we are so consumed with taking care of our kiddos, the house, our pets, our husbands etc...that we sometimes loose sight of what we need. We are pulled in a lot of different directions, and need to be in a thousand different places at once. I have found, that it is so important that I keep to my schedule during the week as much as I can. Doctors appointments, family visits, vacations etc...obviously take priority! However, some things can be worked around my schedule! Now, when I say schedule, this is what I mean:
- Monday- coffee with Brooke
- Tuesday- Stroller Strides
- Wednesday- play date with Karen/kids
- Thursday Stroller Strides
- Friday- babysitter and time to myself!!
To some people this schedule seems ridiculous! But to me, it's what keeps me going each week. To have these fun activities to look forward to, keeps me happy as well as Ethan. Now obviously keeping to your schedule all of the time is impossible, but trying to will really help you get through these sometimes LONG weeks, especially with winter coming!!
Good Luck!!
October 10, 2009 at 5:21 PM
They finally sucked you in, huh? Hope you get to keep the hat in Ethan's diaper bag ;p